Most truck accidents these days happen due to their drivers. In some cases, the company who owns the truck might be responsible, but it usually is not the case. If an accident already happens, it might be worth to contact a truck accident attorney such as this Miami truck accident attorney who will help you to get proper compensation for the suffering that the accident has caused you. Below you will find some of the most common truck accident driver errors that can give you an idea what to look out for:
1. Driver fatigue. It is probably one of the most common reason for truck accidents. Truck drivers are usually required to work at night and they drive long hours. It is very important to avoid fatigue by taking regular breaks. In most places, there are certain regulations as to how many breaks you should take if you operate a truck. Taking care of your overall health will also contribute to your fatigue or lack of it. You might not want to abuse the use of coffee as too much coffee in the long run will make you even more fatigued due to its stimulating properties. Exercise regularly to improve your blood circulation (if possible, you might want to take a portable mini-bike with you so that you can use it on one of your breaks) and eat a healthy diet that is free from sugar. It might also help to take some healthy snacks with you on the road in case it is impossible to buy something healthy near a highway.
2. Reckless or aggressive driving is just another reason so many accidents happen these days. I know that other drivers might not drive the way you like it, but keep your emotions under control by staying calm when you drive and you should be fine.
3. Overuse of drugs including prescription drugs. The job of a truck driver can be a difficult one, and it might be tempting to use some medications to improve the quality of your life. Some people choose to self medicate as some of the drugs such as St. John’s Wort are available under the counter.