An interesting way to make visitors click more on your ads is to limit their choices. While it may not sound very well if you hear about this idea for the first time, it isn�t actually that bad after all. The principle behind this it is that you should try to create the most logical exit points aside from the back button. A visitor has to exit the website at some point, so you should try to make him click on ads to exit the site. Some people recommend removing links to other sites from your webpage and this also includes widgets or any other banners that are not ads. You can also go to the extreme and remove your categories, RSS feed link, recent posts and date archive to even further reduce the users choices. This strategy has a lot of potential, but your blog might suffer from it, as you will be getting rid of some essential parts of your website. On the other hand, you should not be worried that your blog is going to look empty once you remove almost all the widgets and links from it. I wouldn�t be worried about that. Your blog will load faster that way and your readers will be able to concentrate more on the content and on the ads.
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Protecting Your Kindle
If you own several devices, and I am sure that you do, you probably want to protect them at all cost. Even though many items such as kindle or iPads have become very affordable these days, it is still not a reason to toss them around hoping that nothing bad will happen to them.
Bad things will happen to your devices unless you don’t have a hood case to protect them. Scratches, marks, etc. can permanently damage your kindle or iPhone if you don’t do anything to protect it in advance. Most devices don’t come with protective cases, so you have to do the job of buying such things on your own.
If you own a kindle, you will be looking for some kindle cases. I have a few of such cases myself. Personally, colour is usually the deciding factor for me. Even though I believe that black cases look elegant I never opt for them. Instead, I choose something bright, something that is guaranteed to attract my attention in case I lose my kindle. It has happened on several occasions, but thanks to the bright case I was able to find it almost immediately.
Aside bright colours, I also want my cases to be practical. For example, when I read a book on my kindle, I want to have a good grip so that my fingers don’t get tired easily. I have several cases in the past that weren’t that comfortable to hold, so this year I am going to make sure that I choose my case carefully. It also have to fit my device perfectly so that it doesn’t have a chance to slip off unexpectedly.
Kindle is certainly not the only e-reader that you can take on your summer adventures. There are several other items that allow you to read books easily. Having a protective case for any of them is a must when you travel a lot as they will allow you to enjoy your adventures even more.
Suspicious Emails
One of the ways that hackers might want to trick you is to send emails that look like they are sent from companies that you know, like your bank or PayPal. On the first glance, those emails might look like they are genuine. However, after some time you might discover that something is wrong. If you ever receive an email asking you to provide personal information, and asking you to click on a specified link to enter it, do not do it. Instead, open another window in your browser, and manually enter the address of a company that supposedly sent you this email. Check if everything is in order with your account. From my own experience I can say that real companies and institutions like your bank or PayPal will never ask you to provide any personal information without any explanation. So be careful. It is always better to be too careful than not being careful at all. There are people out there who wish to steal your identity, and make a profit out of it. It is up to you to protect what is rightfully yours. You do not have to give your password to anybody if you do not wish to do so. Be especially careful with those individuals who claim that they representing PayPal, because that is a popular scam.
Recycle your old mobile phone for extra cash in your pocket
As we emerge from a worldwide recession, at long last it feels like maybe, just maybe, we can start to feel like we can spend a little bit on those luxuries we previously could only admire from a distance.
As the old saying goes, �the more you have, the more you spend� and so it�s time to start looking for new and ingenious ways of raising some extra cash. Whether it�s for treating ourselves to a sneaky morning latte, the latest must-have PS4 release, or going all out for a designer handbag or suit, for the majority of us extra money in the pocket would mean a heck of a lot.
Many of us buy into the consumer trend for having the most recent phone � let�s be honest, if truth be known, it�s the one thing we can�t live without and the one thing that can instantly show to what extent we take pride in our material possessions. We blindly upgrade and move on from our former handset, often without stopping to consider the value that lies within. Yet sites such as milkmymobile are waiting to take our tech off our hands and pay us above the going rate in comparison to high street stores at the same time. Gone are the days of trading in a phone for pennies, as phone recycling companies are now trying hard to get their hands on your old mobile.
In order to secure a sale, companies such as make earning cash for your old phone easy. From the comfort of your home, you can make money with just a few minutes on the internet and the effort of posting your phone onto them (they will even send you the postage-free envelope to put it in). Better still, with the growing trend for cracked screens and damaged cases, there are even cash rewards for the phone that you had assumed was worthless. Money is paid directly to your bank account or by cheque, so in a matter of days it�s spend or save time.
So what exactly do these third party companies want from our old gear? Companies such as milkmymobile work in a number of ways. Some phones will be easily refurbished, meaning that they can go back on to the open market at a lesser price than if someone was to buy a new handset. This means that the latest must-have phones come within easier reach of a wider marketplace. If phones are not reparable they still have a value for spares, but even more interestingly, the trend for buying scrap metal means that some phones create value as they have platinum silver or gold in their make-up. When it comes to recycling for the environment, both the batteries and the plastic casings can be melted down and reused for a whole host of new and surprising purposes.
However, for the humble consumer, why leave an old phone in a drawer when it could be sold for cash in your pocket? So next time you upgrade your phone, start thinking about what you could buy when you sell your old iphone for some extra cash.
We might not very often hear about people who is using Linux. Probably most of our friends use Windows, and it is quite apparent that most people are familiar with Windows. I know that there are those who are very much into Linux, and recently I have even read an article regarding Linux on a forum. It is a fact that Linux is a free platform, so some could expect it to be more popular than Windows which is a commercial software. However, Linux is not as easy to use as Windows, and lacks many important features which could be useful to an average computer user. Generally speaking, Linux users cannot use many programs like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop. If you choose Linux you will simply have to live without these programs. I think that would be quite inconvenient for most people.
Of course, there are some programs which can be substitutes for the above mentioned software, as Open Office is quite powerful, and there is also a lot of graphic editing programs out there. However, the problem is that most software is only designed to work with Windows, so if you are not going to use the most popular operating system, you are not going to be able to use a lot of programs. It is hard to say whether Linux has a chance to become very popular, only the time will tell. However, it is true that it will be hard to compete with Microsoft Windows. Anyway, according to many computer geeks Linux still remains a great choice for advanced computer users.
Hiring a Consulting Firm
Consulting firms are very useful for businesses in a number of areas. They can be used to improve a company’s performance in such areas as efficiency, safety and online security. A consulting firm will be hired to come in and thoroughly examine the area of the business that they are being paid to improve. They will then make recommendations that will hopefully lead to an improvement in that particular area of the business. You might feel that an area of your company can be functioning better than it currently is. If this is the case, a consulting firm might be the remedy you are searching for. Here are a few details you can keep in mind as you compare the various consulting firms that are out there.
1. What does the consulting firm specialize in?
There are a wide variety of consulting firms to choose from. Many of them are heavily specialized. For example, there are consulting firms that only work in specific industries. Therefore, you need to make sure you limit your search to consulting firms that handle problems related to the industry that your company is in. Click here to learn more about a consulting firm that might be able to help you.
2. How long will the job take?
Some consulting firms work much faster than others. There are also firms that can disrupt your business while they are examining how it can be improved. Ideally, you want to hire a consulting firm that will gather all of the info they need about your operation without preventing employees from completing their tasks. You should also strive to find a firm that will be in and out as quickly as possible. You do not want to have employees from the consulting firm roaming around your factories or offices. This is especially the case if you are manufacturing items that demand a great deal of secrecy. Look into the backgrounds of various consulting firms to see which ones are the most efficient.
3. Do they get results for their clients?
It would not make any sense to hire a consulting firm that does not improve the performance of your business. This is why you need to talk to previous clients of any firm you are thinking about hiring. Find out if these clients are happy with the advice they received and ask them if they would recommend the firm they used.
Starting Your Own Small Jewelry Business
Do you have the talent and drive to start your own jewelry business? Maybe you enjoy making delicate bracelets or chunky rings, but do you also want to take the time and make the effort necessary to transition your hobby to a money-making scheme? It will take a lot of work to make your jewelry business succeed, especially in an already crowded market. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to increase your odds of success.
First, make sure your product is really of the quality necessary to sell professionally. People may praise your work when you’re doing it for free, but you need to find out if it’s actually good enough to sell professionally. Ask your closest friends for their honest opinions, and make it clear that you considering taking the risk of starting your own business. If there are really your friends, they will be honest with you. Is your work original enough to stand out in the field? Is it good enough quality to sell profitably? Find out before you take the next step.
If you do decide to sell your work, start small. There are online retailers that make it easy to start out. This is a less risky option to begin with, since there is little overhead for the seller. Use social media and other free avenues to advertise and promote your product. Share pictures of your work on social media and ask your friends to share the posts with their associates. This will help you see your market and get an idea of how successful you may be.
Finally, if you’ve have success online, consider opening a retail business. You can work with already existing stores and try to get them to carry your product. Alternatively, you can open up a small storefront for a low cost. Choose mall kiosks, like those sold by All Star Carts and Vehicles, to sell your jewelry to an already eager market. Check out craft fairs and farmers markets for more options. Start small, but don’t give up.
Starting your own business can be risky, but it also can be uniquely satisfying to be your own boss. Don’t take any huge risks right away, but be brave in the face of adversity. By determining your market, selling in low-risk areas, and then in retail, your small jewelry business can succeed today.