One of the ways that hackers might want to trick you is to send emails that look like they are sent from companies that you know, like your bank or PayPal. On the first glance, those emails might look like they are genuine. However, after some time you might discover that something is wrong. If you ever receive an email asking you to provide personal information, and asking you to click on a specified link to enter it, do not do it. Instead, open another window in your browser, and manually enter the address of a company that supposedly sent you this email. Check if everything is in order with your account. From my own experience I can say that real companies and institutions like your bank or PayPal will never ask you to provide any personal information without any explanation. So be careful. It is always better to be too careful than not being careful at all. There are people out there who wish to steal your identity, and make a profit out of it. It is up to you to protect what is rightfully yours. You do not have to give your password to anybody if you do not wish to do so. Be especially careful with those individuals who claim that they representing PayPal, because that is a popular scam.