How to Use Technology to Recruit People

?m?ll bus?n?ss ?wn?rs struggl? w?th st???ng ?fl??t and it happens for the right reasons. Unl?k? l?rg? ?ndustr??l ??m??n??s ?nd fr?n?h?s?s, sm?ll bus?n?ss?s d? n?t h?v? ????ss t? unl?m?t?d fund?ng ????t?l as i9t is the case with larger companies. ?h?r?f?r?, th?? ??nn?t ?ff?rd ? l?rg? “turn?v?r” ?n th? w?rk?l???. ?n? w?? t? ?l?m?n?t? fr?v?l?us s??nd?ng ?s t? ?n??r??r?t? str?ng h?r?ng ?r??t???s. ?m?l?m?nt?ng ?r??t???l h?r?ng t??hn?qu?s ?nsur? sm?ll bus?n?ss ?wn?rs th?t th?? ?r? ??tu?ll? h?r?ng, th? b?st ??nd?d?t?s f?r th? ??b.

?m?l??m?nt ?n th? ??nstru?t??n ?ndustr? d??l?n?d ?n ??st ???rs, ?nd ?n th? l?st f?w ???rs, th?s ?ndustr? h?s m?d? ? “gr??t” ??m?b??k. ??nstru?t??n ??m??n??s ?r? r???rt?ng ? n?w h?gh ?n ??b gr?wth, ?s n?w t??hn?l?g? f?rg?s th?m ?nt? th? n?w m?ll?nn?um. ??nstru?t??n ?s n?t ?ll d?gg?ng, ?nd h?mm?r?ng. ?h?r? ?s ? t??hn???l s?d? t? ??nstru?t??n th?t ?s ??nt?nu?ll? ?n?r??s?ng.

?n 2013 ??nstru?t??n ??m??n??s h?v? r???rt?d ?n ?n?r??s? ?n ?m?l??m?nt, ?f ?l?s? t? 2% ??r m?nth. ??w?v?r, ?n th? m?nth ?f ??t?b?r ? n?w h?gh ?n ?m?l??m?nt r???h?d n??rl? 3.5%, th?s ?s ?n ?n?r??s? fr?m ??r?h. Fl?r?d?, ??l?f?rn?? ?nd ????s h?v? th? h?gh?st ?m?l??m?nt r?t?s ?n ??nstru?t??n. ?h?s ?n?r??s? ??m?s fr?m th? r??l ?st?t? ?nd ?n?rg? s??t?rs. ????s l?d ?n th? ?n?r??s? w?th 3.23 ??r??nt, w?th ??l?f?rn?? f?ll?w?ng ?l?s? b?h?nd, ?nd Fl?r?d? m?k?ng ? n?t????bl? m?rk, w?th ?n ?n?r??s? ?f 52 ??r??nt.

W?th ??nstru?t??n n?w b??ng ?n h?gh d?m?nd, sm?ll bus?n?ss?s ?r? f?r??d t? “u? th??r g?m?”, ?f th?? w?nt t? ?l?? ?n th? b?g l??gu?s. ?h?s m??ns ?nv?st?ng ?n ?m?l????s w?th ??nstru?t??n ?ng?n??r?ng ????r??n??. ??w m??h?n?r??s, n?w bu?ld?ng m?t?r??ls, ?n ?dd?t??n t? n?w ?n?rg? ?ff????nt bu?ld?ng d?s?gns ?r? b?mb?rd?ng th? futur?. Fr?m ? t??hn?l?g???l st?nd???nt, ??nstru?t??n ?s ??m?ng f?st f?rw?rd ?nt? d?s?gn?ng “bu?ld?ngs ?f th? futur?”.

??wl? d?v?l???d v??uum ?nsul?t?d gl?ss, ??t?m?z?d f?�?d? w?nd?w s?st?ms, m?mbr?n? bu?ld?ng r?furb?shm?nt, ?nd ?l??tr??hr?m?? gl?z?ng ?r? n?w n?m?s ?n ??nstru?t??n, but n?t ?n t??hn?l?g?. ??nstru?t??n ??m??n??s, ?s?????ll? sm?ll bus?n?ss?s ?r? ?????t?d t? ?ttr??t ?nd r?t??n t??hn???l m?nd?d ?m?l????s.

??w?v?r th? b?st sh?t sm?ll bus?n?ss?s h?v? ?t h?r?ng th? r?ght w?rk?rs f?r th? ??b, ?s thr?ugh st?t? ?ss?st?d tr??n?ng. ??n? ??ll?g?s ?nd t??hn???l s?h??ls ?r? ?utt?ng u? gr??t ?n??nt?v?s, f?r stud?nts wh? w?nt t? ?ursu? ? ??r??r ?n ??nstru?t??n. W?th ??m?ut?r ??d?d d?s?gn?ng, ?nd ?r?h?t??tur?l d?s?gn, stud?nts ?r? m?r? th?n r??d? t? ?lung? ?nt? ? ??nstru?t??n ??r??r, ?n?? th?? ??m?l?t? th??r tr??n?ng. W?th th? n??d ?f qu?l?f??d w?rk?rs b??ng s? gr??t, ??m??n??s ?r? w?ll?ng t? h?r? ??m??t?nt w?rk?rs, wh?l? th?? ?r? st?ll n s?h??l.