Either a small business or a startup, you have no idea what is your business� true potential until you come face to face with your target audience. Some companies underestimate their capabilities and other overestimate them. The best way to find your true potential is take part in a trade show. A Trade Show or Trade Fair is basically an interactive session where different firms exhibit their products. Trade Shows help companies showcase their newest offerings in front of the targeted audience.
If you are a growing company, participating in a trade show can be highly beneficial for your business. It is the best platform to gain clients in the shortest period of time. It provides you with a great opportunity to unlock your potential, understand market trends and your rival�s strategies, and eventually help you make your mark in the market. Think of your first trade show like your big break, so make sure everything is on point. I�m going to provide you tips that would help make your trade show successful.
- Booth
The most exciting yet daunting part of a trade show is planning the look of your booth. Most trade show organizers do not give companies that much room probably because they want to fit in as many as possible, so you have to be careful about how you utilize the given space. The perfect booth is your ultimate ticket to attracting maximum clients. If you feel you are not ready to design your own booth then invest in a custom trade show booth. It might be slightly costlier but will save you time and efforts which you can use to focus on other aspects of the trade show.
- Kind of Trade Show
I know you have just started your company and are desperate to market it. But that does not mean you have to select any trade show happening around. Do not make a hasty decision when picking a trade show; do your research to determine if it will really benefit you.
- Team
Your booth needs people who are vocal and inviting and most importantly share the same vision as you do. They should be a passionate group of people who are well aligned with the company�s goals and understand your vision and mission statement. Ideally, your presence at the booth is what matters the most, but if for some reason you need to assign people tasks, then make sure it is the kind of representation that will make your booth shine through.
- Giveaways
Everybody loves free goodies, especially when they are coming from their favorite company. You can arrange to give out any kind of promotional items at your trade show. A great idea is to invest in useful items that are not very expensive such as pens, mugs, diaries, p-caps, keychains or anything which people can link to your brand. Don�t feel intimidated by the companies around you, do your best and hand out the giveaways with pride. Even if you gain one client out of ten, feel you have done your job.
- Create the Hype
In this age and day, your social media presence speaks volumes about your business. If you have been inactive on your social media accounts, it is time to start posting about your upcoming events. You can use your trade show as the perfect opportunity to launch a new product or service.
- Follow up
Your trade show alone won�t give you the necessary recognition in the market. If you want to fully benefit from your trade show�s presence, it is a good idea to follow up with your visitors. Train your staff to effectively communicate with the potential clients and note down the necessary details for following up.