If you have a case that deals with finances and banking, then expert witness testimony might mean the difference of losing and winning. There are some people who need to here from an expert in order to make a decision on how banks operate and how funds are used. Some witnesses are used when the case deals with forged checks, payment systems, illegal wire transfers and credit card issues.
An expert witness can often be used for the prosecution or the defense. However, the witness is typically used for the prosecution as there needs to be evidence brought against the defendant. Witnesses can assist before the trial to help determine the best method of approach in getting the most information revealed in court. One of the reasons that an expert witness might be used is to create a sound background for the bank. The witness often testifies to the professional standard of care held by the banking system. It is the goal of the witness to create a bond with the jury. Without this bond created, there could be doubt about the actions of the bank if it involves a situation of money lending. The witness will ordinarily know about banking laws and how to present them in court.