With hundreds of users generating massive amounts of data every day, it�s no wonder enterprise organizations need enterprise storage solutions. Today�s options are plentiful. Below are a few enterprise storage solutions for large organizations to consider.
Online Storage
Online storage is a good solution for some organizations. Depending on your needs, online storage can serve as a backup solution, a file sharing and collaboration solution, or as a secure repository for sensitive files. Various online storage service providers exist, some of whom cater to enterprise organizations. Factors to consider include cost, features, and security (Source: Tegile�s Enterprise Data Storage Solutions).
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Network attached storage is just that, a network attached storage solution. This could be a series of hard disks or a storage device consisting of multiple disks such as a RAID device. The NAS is assigned its own network address, allowing other devices on the network to access the device.
Storage Area Network (SAN)
A storage area network (SAN) is a network for storage devices that serves data to a network. The SAN is part of an enterprise�s larger network. Storage area networks support a number of data storage processes including backup and restore, disk mirroring, data archiving, and data migration.
Hybrid Storage
One of the more recent innovations in enterprise storage solutions involves hybrid drives. These drives combine traditional hard disks with solid state storage. As a result, they have the high storage capacities needed by enterprise organizations and perform much better than their all-hard disk counterparts. These hybrid storage solutions store commonly used data on solid state drives, allowing for superior performance most of the time. Meanwhile, less commonly used data is stored on traditional high capacity hard disks, allowing the enterprise to store massive amounts of data which can be accessed as needed (Source:�Storage Challenges Whitepaper) .
Online storage, network attached storage, storage area networks, and hybrid storage solutions are but a few examples of some of the more common enterprise storage solutions available today.