D???nd?ng ?n th? w?? ?f us?g?, ?s t??hn?l?g? b?n?f????l ?r h?rmful t? s????t?? I would like to find the answer to this question in this post. W? n??d t? ?n?l?z? ?t k????ng ?n v??w h?w h?s t??hn?l?g???l d?v?l??m?nts sh???d ?ur l?v?s ?v?r th? d???d?s. ?t ?s th? qu?st??n wh?r? ??u n??d t? l??k ?t b?th ?s???ts ?f d?v?l??m?nt ?n t??hn?l?g?. Wh?l? ?t h?s m?d? ?ur l?v?s ?m?z?ngl? s?m?l?r ?nd ??s??r w?th ?n?th?ng ?t ?ust ? m?us? ?l??k ?w??, ?t h?s ?r??t?d s?v?r?l n?g?t?v? h??lth ?m???ts, ?s??h?l?g???l ?r?bl?ms ?nd str?ss ?n d??l? l?f?.
?bv??usl?, t??hn?l?g???l ?dv?n??m?nt dur?ng 1970 h?s l?d t? th? b?tt?rm?nt f?r ????l? ?n th?s ??ntur?; ?t h?s ?ls? ?r??t?d ?nnum?r?bl? ?r?bl?ms m?stl? ?r?s?ng ?ut ?f th? m?sus? ?f t??hn?l?g?. ?h?r? ?r? thr?? m??n s??t?rs th?t ?r? l?rg?l? ?ff??t?d b? th?s t??hn?l?g?. ?du??t??n, ?us?n?ss ?nd ??mmun???t??n. ?nt?rn?t t??hn?l?g? h?s ?h?ng?d ?ur l?v?s ?n m?n? w??s.
?h? gl?b?l w?rld tr?d? ?nd bus?n?ss h?v? b???m? f?st?r, ??s??r ?nd m?r? r?l??bl? ?n th? l?st 50 ???rs. ????l? n?w ?r?f?r t? bu? r??lw??/bus t??k?ts, b??k fl?ghts s?tt?ng ?n th? ??mf?rt ?f th??r h?m?s. ?h? b?ll ???m?nts ?nd ????unts ?r? m??nt??n?d ?nd m?n?g?d b? ?nl?n? f???l?t??s. ?ll th? b?nks ?nd f?n?n???l ?nst?tut??ns h?v? ?ntr?du??d ?nl?n? s?st?m. ??? m??h?n? ?s ? w?nd?rful ?dd?t??n. ?nl?n? ?dv?rt?s?ng ?s ?r?v?ng t? b? th? gr??t?st gr?w?ng bus?n?ss th?nks t? th? ?nv?nt??n ?f ??m?ut?rs, th?t w? g?t ??untl?ss f???l?t??s wh??h ??st?r???r ????l? n?v?r ?v?n ?m?g?n?d t? g?t!
??m?ut?rs ?r? ?h?n?m?n?l ?n th?s ?r?. ?r?v??usl? th?? w?r? ?n ?t?m ?f lu?ur?, but n?w?d??s ?t ?s ? n???ss?t? ?n ?v?r? d?s???l?n?, f?r ?v?r??n?. ??m?ut?rs ?f d?ff?r?nt m?d?ls ?nd v?st numb?r ?f v?r??t??s ?r? ?v??l?bl? t? m??t th? r?qu?r?m?nts ?f bus?n?ssm?n, ??ung ?r?f?ss??n?ls, stud?nts, ?du??t?rs, h?m?s ?nd ??r??r?t? w?rld. ?h??? ??m?ut?rs ?nd r?furb?sh?d l??t??s ?r? v?r? us?ful f?r ????l? wh? ??nn?t ?ff?rd t? bu? n?w br?nd?d ??m?ut?r d?skt??. R?furb?sh?d ??m?ut?rs ??m? ?n ????ll?nt ??nd?t??n ?nd sm??th fun?t??n?ng ?s th? ??rts ?r? r??l???d thus g?v?ng m?r? ??tr? s???? ?n ??ur h?rd d?sk.