Generally bloggers agree that writing posts in a form of lists is a good idea, as it can improve your traffic. How is it possible? Well, here is a list of reasons:
-Lists often make it easier for a writer to express his thoughts. This way a writer can write higher quality posts, because he can express himself in a better way.
-Many bloggers decide to summarize another bloggers list, and link to them at the same time. This makes the blogosphere more connected.
-It is easy to read a list type of post, as you can jump from one point to another easily. This will be especially helpful to your readers, who for some reason are not interested in some points of your posts. Instead of giving up on reading your post, they can easily analyze what are the other points presented in your post. They can decide to move to the next point if it is of interest to them.
-Persuasiveness is another key element for lists. This applies to those posts in which you are trying to prove something.
-Lists prevent a writer from �rambling�, and as such can be an excellent source of information. Rambling might be good from time to time, but if you prefer to be more concise and specific in your posts, you will want to avoid rambling to give your readers solid information they want.