RSS feeds are a very convenient way to subscribe to a blog. Many bloggers believe that having many RSS subscribers is a sign that people actually appreciate your blog. Of course, that can be a source of personal satisfaction. That is why in addition to working on obtaining new subscribers it is crucial not to lose the current ones. You are going to lose subscribers if they feel like they have sufficient reasons not to visit your blog anymore. Knowing such reasons should help you avoid any mistakes which you could otherwise commit. Here are some reasons why readers unsubscribe:
� Not interesting content. Of course, it is a matter of opinion if the content is interesting or not, but this is one of the main reasons people unsubscribe. This is also one of the hardest problems to fix, as you cannot please everyone at the same time. Usually putting a lot of work into writing your posts will result in interesting content.
� Not posting for long periods of time. If a subscriber suspects that you abandoned your blog, then no wonder that he will be tempted to unsubscribe. Try posting at least once or twice every week. This also depends on the niche, but not posting for a few weeks is a bad sign.
� Often making personal attacks in posts. Many readers would probably feel like in a middle of a fight.
� Lack of sense of community. Make sure that you communicate with your readers and listen to their feedback. This will ensure that they will feel appreciated.