I don’t know how you feel about staying fit, but being in shape is one of my top priorities. There is something about exercising that makes my body feel so good and so relaxed. Those who don’t exercise probably don’t know what I am talking about, but my hope is that in case you don’t try to stay in shape, you will try to do something about it soon.
There are a few activities I like to engage myself in that help me to stay in good form. When the weather is nice, I like to spend time walking outdoors. This is usually an option mostly during summer months and only on those days when the weather is really good. On rainy days and during those days when for some reason I cannot go to the park, places such as CrossFit Franklin are a perfect destination for me. Going to the gym is something that is guaranteed to happen. It doesn’t even matter what the weather is going to be on that particular day. Even if a deluge of rain pours down from the sky it still is not going to prevent me from enjoying exercising in the gym. This is one of those things I like so much about going to the gym: it is there no matter what, and I am always guaranteed to get a good workout.
Even though I have been exercising regularly and going to the gym since I was in my early teens, I know how difficult it is something to motivate yourself to start being active. One thing I like about going to the gym for an hour three times per week is that you will always meet there people whose passion is exercising. This is very motivating for me. If so many people around me exercise, I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t want to do the same. If all those people decided that coming to the gym is a good use of time, it has to mean that there is something of value to them.
When I am in the gym, I like to try various exercises. In other words, I enjoy diversity when it comes to the devices I like to exercise on. I have a stationary bike at home I like to use while watching TV, but I believe that it is not enough for me. I need some variety: I want to go on a treadmill for 10 minutes, then I might want to try a rowing machine, then a crosstrainer, etc. I believe that you know what I am talking about here.