When you’re considering getting a concealed carry permit, you may have a few questions running through your head: What are the laws in your state? What kind of gear do you need? This list should help you gather your thoughts before getting a concealed permit.
1. Getting the Right Gear
While “printing” is not illegal in most of the United States, it is not recommended. “Printing” is when the shape of your firearm can be seen through your clothing. One of the benefits of having a concealed weapon is the element of surprise. You’ll need to find a proper holster for your firearm that is comfortable and easily accessible. There are various types of holsters including belly bands, ankle holsters and waistband holsters. There are also concealed carry coats and jackets that have built-in holsters that are functional and stylish.
2. Learning About Gun Laws
Each state has different laws surrounding concealed carry permits and firearms. Many states require that you take a certified firearm safety course where you will learn about the state-specific laws. Minimum age requirements, firearm safety courses and required fees are just a few things that vary from state to state. Your state may also issue firearm restrictions, such as magazine capacity and firearm modifications. Pay attention in your course because what you learn is very important.
3. Preparing for the Real Deal
Practice makes perfect, as they say. When an uncertain scenario presents itself, you’ll want to be prepared to protect yourself and others. Regularly practice firing your gun so you will be ready to intervene if necessary. Always remember that escalation is not the answer. Assess each situation before you become involved.
There are many reasons to get a concealed carry permit, but it often comes down to the safety of yourself and those around you. Whatever your reasoning, make sure you are ready by purchasing the correct gear, researching laws in your state and/or listening if a safety course is required and regularly preparing for self-defense situations.