What is great about the Internet is that it can be used for a variety of purposes. People connect to the Internet to browse millions of different sites, but overall some types of sites are more popular than others.
-The most popular websites are search engines. They allow us to find what we are looking for. They will probably remain to be the most popular for quite some time.
-Many people like visiting social websites that offer interaction between people. This includes chat websites and social networking websites.
-Sites that allow us to downloading files can be useful. A good example are sites dedicated to Rapidshare.
-Web portals offering news are something that most people visit. Reading news on such websites does not cost anything and that is why so many people like doing it.
-Websites hosting various games are also popular. They allow players to be entertained and to have some fun.
-Sites featuring useful information in a form of articles or videos are also being visited by many people.