Yellow pages are a great convenience. If you are looking for somebody or some kind of service, you can just visit the Yellow Pages website in order to find what you are looking for. You simply type the name of the company or type of service, and the list of names, addresses, and phone numbers pops up. It is great, but is it not in a sense a violation of privacy? Many people do not like the idea of being listed in phone books. In case of businesses it is different, but why would somebody want to know the address and phone number of a regular citizen? While in most cases it is not a problem, it might be a potential source of information for stalking, and as such, it can also be abused. I hope that in the future we will find a way to protect our privacy at the same time while providing our personal details to those who really need them.
More and more people discuss the issue the privacy each year and that is because the world around us is changing. There are more cameras everywhere and we are very often being recorder without permission. While in most cases no harm will come because of it, because we are being recorder in so many places it might soon be possible to track our every move. Additionally, there are cameras being developed that are able to see through clothes and some cameras can even detect objects made out of metal through walls.