Anyone who plays computer games is often wondering whether he will benefit more from owning a desktop or laptop. There are advantage sand disadvantages of each type of PC, so sometimes it is hard to decide. I hope that taking a look at the following list will make it easier for you to make up your mind.
-When it comes to portability laptops have an advantage. Desktop towers are often heavy and bulky so it is not easy to transport a desktop that easily. That is why some decide on using laptops.
-Upgrading, on the other hand, is a lot easier with desktops. Desktop components are cheaper and are a lot easier to install. Most laptops do not even allow upgrading for parts like hard drives and graphics cards.
-Laptops are not only more portable but also smaller. Because they are also small it allows you to put them even on a small desk. If someone is a college students, then he might not have space for a traditional desktop.
-Price is also an important factor and desktop have an advantage here. Desktops are simply less expensive.