Sharing Files Online

Today, many businesses and various organizations from all around the world need to send files to their branches or other organizations. In the past, sharing files was not easy. It has changed very much during the last decade. This is when free file transfer became possible together with digital workflows and distributed production. Companies and organizations want to store their data in a safe place. It is in their best interest to find a place that allows free online storage. I know that such solutions are possible and I believe that companies should benefit from them. If you or your organization would like to store your data somewhere or share it with other users, for example users from China, you can do it in many different ways. You can do it by using a web browser, FTP, HTTPS platform, and many more. The best thing about this method of storing and sharing data is that you can manage everything from your control panel in a matter of seconds. Sharing files has become increasingly popular recently and I see many companies as well as individuals doing it regularly. There is no longer a barrier between people who live in opposite parts of the planet.

Blaming Social Networks

Are social networks to blame for declining music sales? Some musicians like Billy Brag seem to think so, even though some say that the judgment of musicians like Billy Brag is clouded by the motive to make money, as opposed to logical argumentation. I think that most experts agree that the decline of music sales is associated with the fact that music can be reproduced at zero cost. It seems it is economics that drives this phenomena, not social networks. Social networks are merely a tool that can be used for good or bad. We have to also take into account young artists who now have a way to break into the mainstream without getting a label to promote them. That is because they can distribute their music very easily through social networks.

How to Change Graphic from Floating to Inline

Whenever you copy a piece of graphic with a copy and paste command, you obtain a floating graphic by default. There are two types of graphics: inline and floating. The difference between them is that floating graphic takes more memory and will cause you some problems if you will want to print this piece of graphic. There is a way however to convert floating graphic into inline graphic:

1. Select the piece of graphic that you wish to change.
2. Right click on a graphic to obtain a menu. Choose Format Picture or Format Object. The dialog window will appear.
3. In the dialog window choose Layout tab.
4. Look for Wrapping style and choose Inline with text.
5. Press OK to finish the whole process.

Attracting Free Traffic To Your Site

Traffic is obviously very important to webmasters. Here are some more ways to attract traffic to your blog:

� Thank your visitors for paying a visit to your blog. You can go to their profile on MyBlogLog and thank them personally there. Of course, you can also go directly to their blog and comment on it. This will increase a chance that they will come back again.
� Submit your well-written articles to as many social bookmarking sites as possible. You can do it by using a program (some might be free) or manually. Whatever you choose to do, expect a lot of visitors coming to your website.
� Be active on forums. I had already quite a few visits from forums where I have been posting regularly. The good thing about most of them is that you can customize your signature, and thus include the addresses of your blogs. Many people will see your thread or response and will be likely to click on the name of your blog. If you are not a member of any forums, you might want to think about signing up.
� Organize contests on your blog.
� Submit your blog to different sites offering prizes. Even if you do not win, you will still be listed there.


BlogCatalog widget can be obtained directly from BlogCatalog�s website provided that you create an account with them. You can customize your own widget to whatever suits you by changing the color, number of rows, columns, and other elements. There are a few advantages of having this widget:

-By displaying the icons of people visiting a blog, a blogger can get some information about this reader base. This information will include gender and age among some of the details.
-It proves that a blog has visitors thus making a blog look more professional.
-Once you will see that somebody visited your blog you will be more inclined to visit someone else�s blog to return the favor.
-The widget looks very cool, and many bloggers will enjoy looking at pictures of people that visit their blog.

Businesses and Computer Management

?s ? ???r?s?ft ??rt?f??d ??st?ms ?dm?n?str?t?r, ? ??rt?f??d ??m?ut?r F?r?ns??s ??????l?st,
??tw?rk ?nd ???ur?t? ??nsult?nt, ??ftw?r? D?v?l???r, ?nd D?t? R???v?r? ????rt, m? ??ss??n f?r
t??hn?l?g? ?s und?n??bl?. ? ?ls? ?n??? h?l??ng ????l?, ?s?????ll? wh?n ?t ??m?s t? m? ??ss??n.
?h?s wh?t? ????r ?s ??nt?r?d ?n a few ?m??rt?nt ???nts t? k??? ??ur ??m?ut?r n?tw?rk u? ?nd runn?ng
?r???rl? that will ensure that you are less likely to run into problems ever again.

1) ??k? sur? th?t ?ll ?m??rt?nt d?t? ?s b??k?d u? t? ? ???? Dr?v?, ??t?rn?l ??rd Dr?v?, U??
Dr?v? ?r ?n? ?th?r f?rm ?f st?r?g? wh??h ??n b? t?k?n ?ff s?t?.

2) ??k? sur? th?t s?m??n? ?n ??ur ?ff??? ?s r?s??ns?bl? f?r fr?qu?nt b??k-u?s ?f ??ur d?t? ?ff s?t?.

3) ??nst?ntl? ??mmun???t? w?th ??ur ??ll??t?v? st?ff ?b?ut th? ?m??rt?n?? ?f b??k-u? st?r?g?,
wh??h ?n?lud?s but ?s n?t l?m?t?d t? d?t? f?l?s, ?ddr?ss?s ?nd ?m??ls. ?f ??u ?r? us?ng ?utl??k ?r
?n? ?th?r ?m??l ?l??nt, ?nsur? ?ts ??nt?nt ?s ?ls? b??k?d u?.

4) ?ft?r ??u h?v? v?r?f??d ??ur b??k-u? st?r?g?, ??ns?d?r t?st?ng th? s?lut??n ?nd
m?th?d?l?g?. ? r???mm?nd ??rf?rm?ng ? ???ku? ?nd D?s?st?r R???v?r? ??st ?v?r? 6 m?nths.

5) ?n? ??m?ut?r ??st?ms (??rv?rs, W?rkst?t??ns) wh??h ?r? ?r?t???l t? ??ur bus?n?ss
???r?t??ns sh?uld h?v? ? surg? ?r?t??t??n ?nd ? b?tt?r? b??ku?.

6) ?t ?s v?r? ?r?t???l th?t ?v?r? ??m?ut?r ??st?m h?s ?nt?-V?rus ?nd ?nt?-???w?r? ?r?t??t??n
?n ?l???. ? w?uld r???mm?nd ??rt?n ?nt?-V?rus ?f ??u d?n’t h?v? ?n? ?n ?l???. F?r ?nt?-
???w?r? th?r? ?r? s?v?r?l ?v??l?bl? t??ls wh??h ??n ?ss?st ?n fulf?ll?ng th?s? r?qu?r?m?nts

Societies and Technology

?v?r?th?ng t??hn?l?g? n??d?d f?r ?ts gr?wth ?nd ?dv?n??m?nt ?t g?t fr?m th? s????t?. ??n? w?ll ?rgu? th?t ?t g?v? ?v?r?th?ng b??k t? th? s????t? t??, ?nd r?ghtl? s?. ???hn?l?g? d???nds gr??tl? ?n th? s????t?, ?nd th? s????t? f?lls b??k t? t??hn?l?g? f?r ?ts d?v?l??m?nt ?nd ?m?r?v?m?nt. What else can I say? ?h? r?l?t??nsh?? s??ms ??rd??l, but ?s ?n? ??rt? unf??rl? ???l??t?ng th? ?th?r ?n ?n? w???

???hn?l?g? ?s ?n th? s????t?. ?h? s????t? ?s ?nt? t??hn?l?g?. ?h? s????t? ??ntr?but?s th? hum?n ?nd m?t?r??l r?s?ur??s n???ss?r? f?r t??hn?l?g? t? bl?ss?m. ?h?r? ?s n? d?n??ng th? ?bv??us f??t th?t t??hn?l?g? h?s ?nd??d, bl?ss?m?d. ?h? ???nt ?f d?s??urs? ?s wh?t t??hn?l?g? h?s t?k?n, ?nd ?s st?ll t?k?ng ?w?? fr?m th? s????t? ?n ?ts ??urs? f?r gr?wth.

F?rstl?, ?t sh?uld b? ?bs?rv?d th?t th? s????t?l ut?l?z?t??n ?f t??hn?l?g? ?l???d ? l?rg? r?l? ?n d?nt?ng th? ?m?g? ?f t??hn?l?g?. ??m? ?f th? h?rmful ?ff??ts ?f t??hn?l?g?, wh??h r?ng? fr?m ??llut??n t? th? ?bv??us d??l?t??n ?f th? w?rld’s n?nr?n?w?bl? n?tur?l r?s?ur??s, w?r? un?nt?nd?d. ?h?? ??m? t? th? f?r? ?ft?r ?r?n?un??d us? ?f t??hn?l?g???l ?r???ss?s. ?h?? w?r? unf?r?s??n ?nd ?r? t?t?ll? r?gr?tt?d s?m?l? b???us? th?? t?k? ?s mu?h ?s th?? ?ff?r fr?m th? s????t?. W?thdr?w?ng th?s? ?r???ss?s fr?m th? s????t? h?s b???m? n??r-?m??ss?bl? b???us? ?f th? t?t?l d???nd?n?? ?f th? s????t? ?n t??hn?l?g?.

?h? m???r r??s?n f?r t??hn?l?g? w?s th? s?m?l?f???t??n ?f hum?n l?f?. ?t h?d ?n m?nd th? m???m?z?t??n ?f r?s?ur??s t? ?nsur? t?t?l ??ntr?l ?f th? ?mm?d??t? ?nv?r?nm?nt ?nd th? ?r????d?ngs ?n ?t. ?s ? ??ns?qu?n?? ?f t??hn?l?g?, ?nf?rm?t??n h?s b???m? ub?qu?t?us, ??mmun???t??n h?s ?m?r?v?d b???nd ??m?r?h?ns??n ?nd th? ?v?r?ll qu?l?t? ?f s????t?l l?f? h?s gr?wn ?mm??sur?bl?. ???rts h?v? b??n ??mm?r???l?z?d ?nd ?st?bl?shm?nts h?v? b??n ?bl? t? ????nd th??r t?nt??l?s ??r?ss ??nt?n?nts.

D?ff?r?nt f?rms ?f d?ng?r h?v? ?ls? r?sult?d fr?m t??hn?l?g?. Fr?m th? t??-dr?w?r, ?n? ??uld ??t? gl?b?l w?rm?ng ?nd ??llut??n ?s m???r ?ssu?s. ?h?n th?r? ?s th? l?ttl? m?tt?r ?f ?ll th? n?g?t?v?s th?t ?m?n?t? fr?m th? ?nt?rn?t. ?v?r? n?w t??hn?l?g? ?ls? s??ms t? ??m? w?th ?ts ?wn ?r?bl?ms ?f w?st? wh??h th? s????t? f?nds ?t d?ff??ult t? m?n?g?. ?h? h?rmful ?ff??ts ?f ?ll t???s ?f w?st? ?r? ?ls? w?ll d??um?nt?d.

???hn?l?g? s??ms ?n????bl? ?f s?lv?ng ?ll th? ?r?bl?ms ?t h?s ?r??t?d. ?h?s ?s s??n ?n m?n? qu?rt?rs ?s ? f??lur? ?f th? ??n???t. ??n? f??l t? r??l?z? th?t ?t ?s th? s????t?l us? ?f t??hn?l?g? th?t g?v?s r?s? t? th?s? d?ng?rs. ?h?s m?k?s ?t h?rsh f?r th? s????t? t? bl?m? t??hn?l?g? f?r ?ts sh?rt??m?ngs. ?n th? f??? ?f ?ll th? ?r?v??l?ng ?rgum?nts, ?n? m?ght ?ust ?sk ?f b?th ??n???ts ?r? ??tu?ll? s???r?bl?.

RSS and Email Subscriptions

What is most important for readers is to have easy access to information. There are many ways you can present information to readers, and the most obvious one in case of blogs is simply through your website. You work hard on your homepage and you like when people appreciate it. Unfortunately, this might not be enough for some readers, because they have to visit your blog on a daily basis to see if there is something new. That is why RSS and email subscriptions have been invented: they allow readers to know exactly when a new post is posted on your blog. The question is whether you should use RSS readers or Email subscriptions. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. That is because even thought RSS readers seem to be more convenient, many people are not familiar with them. Technology is changing so fast that many Internet surfers still do not know what RSS really is, and they are happy that they learned about email recently. That is why I recommend offering both RSS and email subscriptions. This way your visitors will be able to chose whatever they prefer. Setting up both subscription methods is not that hard, especially if you look at all of the benefits.

Reinstalling WordPress

If you are an active blogger, sooner or later you may need to reinstall WordPress. This is usually advisable when your installation is corrupted and cannot be fixed otherwise. It is important for any blogger who is serious about blogging to know how to reinstall WP. That is why you may want to learn how to do it, and now is a good chance. In this post, I would like to share with you an easy way to reinstall WP. While this may not make you an expert when it comes to WordPress, you will feel a lot more confident, and you will not be worried even if something goes wrong with your current installation.

The most important thing when it comes to reinstalling is to make a copy of all of your existing files, in case something goes wrong. You should also know your WP database details. The next step is to re-upload all of the WP files, and overwrite your existing files on the server. This way any damaged files will be replaced with properly working ones. To make sure that all of your posts, comments, and settings will appear on your blog, you should edit the ‘config’ file to include your existing database details. This will ensure that your new installation uses your existing set up. This way if everything goes well, you will have your whole blog intact. Like I said, there are a few reasons for reinstall; however, most people reinstall after their blogging platform no longer works properly.

WordPress Errors

It seems like a good amount of bloggers are experiencing the WordPress �mm_handled� error, which triggers when you want to write a new post. What happens is that the custom fields section shows mm_handled over and over again. There are hundreds of mm_handled fields to fill out and for some people this prevents creating new posts completely. On the other hand, for others it extremely slows down posting. It is hard to say why this happens, but so far there are at least two things you can do:

� Use Firefox, as at least you can create posts, but unfortunately posting is slowed down. While this is not really a solution to the problem, it will allow you to publish a important post without taking more drastic steps.
� You can reinstall WordPress. This should fix the problem, as it worked for many people. On the down side, this will take you some time and don�t forget to backup your database or any template changes. I cannot offer any easier solution, but if you think that you have a better idea please let me know by commenting.

I know that those who experience this problem might be feeling really lazy when it comes to posting, and that is why this error should be fixed as soon as possible.